Thursday 10 June 2010

Metabolic Balance Diet and PCOS

Did you know that the Metabolic Balance programme is great for any women suffering from PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)?

One of the main problems of PCOS is a disordered insulin metabolism, which makes it easier to gain weight and more difficult to lose it.  Other issues include hirsutism (increase facial hair) and sometimes poor skin condition or acne.  Becaue the Metabolic Balance programme helps balance the biochemistry behind your metabolism, it can be a great help for many of these not so pleasant side effects of having PCOS.  So not only will you find it much easier to control your weight, but you could also get support for the excess facial hair and get a better looking skin.

If you suffer from PCOS and would like to improve your hormonal health, perhaps to conceive, or the feel better and lose weight, do get in touch with us and book in for a free initial consultation.

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